Thursday, January 20, 2011

Non-Adventure # 40 IBC Christmas Women's Dinner

Sometime back I got an email from Leah asking me to be part of a decorating team. For the last couple of years, Leah, Amy, and their mom Nancy have been in charge of putting on a Christmas dinner at the Irving Bible Church. Every year the women at the church decorate tables and come for some delicious food, fun, and great entertainment and raise some money for a good cause in the process. Well last year Nancy, their mom, decorated a ton of tables all on her own and barely finished in time. So this year, Leah had asked some of us to help and be on a team that could help her mom out.

So early one cold December morning I met up with my friend Jennifer and we headed out to the Irving Bible Church. When we got there tons of tables had already been decorated but there were still tons in progress, and some still waiting to be done. Here is what the scene looked like when we arrived.

Our team (minus me) Jennifer, Tiffany, Lindsey, and Leah
Once there we set about to get things decorated. Nancy does a wonderful job of planning these tables out during the year and then sets them up at home, takes a picture so even if she isn't setting the table up someone could easily use it as a guide to set up the table. We divided into two teams Tiff and Lindsey, and me and Jennifer. Nancy even had stuff to decorate the bathrooms. Here is the girls bathroom:
And the boys (no boys were actually there so it was used as a 2nd womans bathroom)
Jennifer and I's first table was a black and pink table with a pink christmas tree. I loved this table it was girly, glitzy, fun, and of course it had one of my favorite things, it was PINK!
The pink Christmas tree, it had a pink feather boa and black feathers and sparkly ornaments in pink and black.
The place settings
Nancy had provided these back loofa scrubbers to decorate the chairs but they were too short to put on the way she had and so we changed it up and tied them on and added some leftover ornaments. There were two different chair types. It kind of reminds me of an old perfume bottle.

The centerpiece was a cute hatbox and it also had these cute crosses
and some small purses
It ended up super cute and we totally loved it. I would have loved to have sat at this table. Our finished product! Our second table was a little more difficult. Nancy had put a box together of black, red, silver and white, but didn't really have a plan. She told is we were free to make it look however we want, to play around with what we had. Here is our start, There was a started centerpiece and we played around with the fabric till we found something we liked.
This was our planning process. We kind of made a huge mess. we drug everything out of our tub and we started looking at everything

The finalized place setting
The final product:
from another angle
Sometimes people don't show up until too late to decorate their table or don't show up at all so we have to set up some tables really quickly. The last table I helped with was one of these. The theme for this table turned out to be: Peppermint Candy Canes! The chairs had cute candy cane striped ribbons.
The place setting
The centerpiece
The final table! Not bad for 15 minutes!
Some of the tables were raffle tables, meaning some part or all of the table was up to be won. All you had to do was buy raffle tickets and drop a ticket into the glass bowl on the table. One of the tables decorated by Amy had a coffee theme because part of the prize on the table was Keurig coffee maker. It was super cute!
Leah had also made it possible for us to stay and enjoy the dinner, and entertainment by getting is a table. Here is my name holder at our table. It is a cute pin that can be used for other things like your hair or pinned to a sweater.
The dinner in full swing. It was tons of women walking around, laughing, talking, hugging, dropping off their tickets, and having a great time.

The dinner was delicious! And after dinner we had some great entertainment. They had an improv group called Pavlov's Dog come and perform for us. They were hilarious and had everyone laughing. Here are Jennifer and I all glamed up at dinner.
Leah, Amy, and I
And how cute are these ladies in their aprons! Leah, Nancy, and Amy. It's hard to find a cuter, sweeter, kinder trio of women! I just love them all. Thanks Leah for asking me to help and Nancy I had a blast! If you need help next year, I'm in!!!

Rambling #30 Cover Girls-Hunger Games

Our book for November was Lyndi's pick, and it is the first book in a trilogy called the Hunger Games. I will admit here and now when we were discussing which of Lyndi's choices to read I wanted a book called Wednesday Wars based on her synopsis I thought I would be more interested in that book. I did read Wednesday Wars and I did like it, I thought it was a great book but I didn't realize or think I would be as interested or enjoy the Hunger Games like I did.

The Hunger Games is about a young girl named Katniss Everdeen. She lives in a future United States that is broken into different districts according to their major product/function and they are run by the Capital. Every year the Capital forces the districts to draw out 2 names, boy and girl, to be tributes and compete in the Hunger Games. The games are a fight, a fight to the death, only one will survive. So I am sure you can see why I thought I didn't want to read this book, a book where children are fighting to their deaths.

In November, our last Cover Girl meeting of the year (we took a holiday break), we headed over to Lyndi's house for some dinner and some competition of our own. Lyndi made us a wonderful Italian dinner and we all sat around eating and chatting about what had been going on and some about what we thought about the book. Then after everyone was done eating we got ready for our competition. She had told us to bring aprons, I brought some of my collection to share and we all suited up!

Leah and I in our aprons! Kelli and Leah
In the book before the tributes actually compete in the games they have a training period where they can hone skills they already have or learn/develop some new ones. One of the skills is the art of camouflage. So Lyndi made cupcakes and had colored tons of icing in all different colors like green, brown, blue, yellow, and orange. Our mission was to take four cupcakes and use our camo skills to make something out of our cupcakes. Here are some girls chatting and decorating their cupcakes:
Here are some of the designs.

Then we named our creations and voted. There was tie for 2nd and 3rd so we had to do a 2nd vote but winners were chosen.
Laura (Lyndi's sis) won 3rd place with a stunning collection but I somehow missed getting a picture of her beautiful creations.
My creation and 2nd place a tree. It is important to the book.
Jennifer's creation and 1st place winner "The Arena"
After the winners were picked the creations were eaten and we all sat around and discussed the book. I never thought I would have loved this book so much but I did. It was great. I mentioned earlier that it is the first book in a trilogy, we all loved the first so much we changed up the schedule of books. We decided that in December we would read books 2 (Catching Fire) and 3 (Mockingjay) to meet and discuss in January. Here are the Cover Girls in a group pic.
Can't wait for January! I love my Cover Girls!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rambling #29 3rd place all around!

Every year on Veteran's day our Board of Realtors has a chili-cookoff. Since our business is often very closely related to realtors, our office competes in the cook-off. One year their was a poker or cards theme but this year was a red, white, and blue and stars and stripes theme. I had been asked by Chris to make an entry for the dessert competition. I love making pies and so early in the week I made a cherry and a chocolate pie and had the office vote for which pie they would like entered in the competition. The cherry pie just barely edged out the chocolate pie in the office vote.

Thursday afternoon came and so Chris, Kristi, Keith , and I loaded up cars to head out to the board of realtors building to set up our booth. Here are some pics of our booth.

My pie entry for the contest.
We also had to provide a pie for everyone to eat, so here is our public pie. It is not a cobbler, cobblers don't have crust on the bottom. This is still a pie just made rectangular not round.
Some of the other tents or competitors.

They even had one of the local high schools ROTC come over and present flags

We had a great time and in my opinion the best chili and pie. We actually took home 3rd place in both the chili and the dessert!