Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Non-Adventure #5 Dog Days and a Wedding
Posted by Martha at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Non-Adventure, Sookie, Weddings
Rambling # 4 Diaper Cakes!
Ok so one of my confessions from my 6 random things post is about how I wouldn't mind running my own diaper cake business. I just love making them they are so much fun. I have to say that there isn't a single part of making a cake that I find boring or tedious. The only thing about the diaper cakes is that everyone I know and have made one for has been having a boy, so I have never been able to make a girl baby diaper cake. I'm hoping it changes soon due to Amy's news. I think her girls will get to be girl diaper cakes #1 and #2. So one of my typical diaper cakes consists of 112 size one diapers, 10 washcloths, 5 onesies, a blanket, bath wash, baby lotion, powder, and 2 pacifiers. Then if I know the babies name I might put it on the front of the cake. I change the cakes up all the time so everyone is a little different from the last.
Posted by Martha at 5:12 PM 5 comments
Labels: Diaper Cakes, Rambling
Non-Adventure # 4 Sookie's First Day
So the reason I am giving for being slow in posting is due to the fact that I just haven't taken the time to move my pictures from my camera to my computer. I have now finally done it and so here are some new non-adventures. The one that I am posting today, happened the very FIRST day I had Sookie.
So it was that first Monday that I had her and things had gone well that morning. I had let her out, played with her, and then fed her. I put her back in her house (kennel) and went on to work. Well my dad went home around lunch time and let her out with our two big dogs, which was a good thing, not a problem. He comes back to work and tells me he let her out and that she had somehow found a pen and chewed it a little on my bed. It's my turn to go home for lunch and I see that yes she chewed the pen up on my bed. It seems he let all the dogs back in the house and just let her wander unsupervised around the house, where she found a pen, dragged it back to my bed, chewed it up and all the ink went through my comforter, through my sheets, and only just stopped at me mattress cover. Well he failed to mention the gravity of the staining at work. He left out the bed and the fact that she had blue paws as well.
To date it is the only thing she has done to cause any real damage and so it's not a big deal. We were even able to get the blue off her paws. The sheets are sheets and I'm not bothered by the fact they still have ink stains after mutiple washings and every stain removal in the world. Although it gave me a great excuse to get the pink and white polka dotted comforter I had my eye on in Target, so I guess thanks, Sook!
Here she is with her blue Paw.
Posted by Martha at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: Non-Adventure, Sookie
Rambling # 3 Like Leah, I have been tagged twice.
So I have been tagged by both Amy and by Leah. So I figured it was time I actually did the blog so that I can avoid another tagging.
So here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write six random things about yourself.
Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
So here are my six Random things:
1. I confess here and now that I am a TV-aholic. I love it. I have so many favorite shows I could be here all day writing a list of my favorites. I love watching them on TV, Seasons on DVD( I have all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls as well as many other TV shows on DVD), and online. I am a big fan of http://www.hulu.com/. It's great, you can watch TV shows and movies for free online.
2. To go along with my TV obsession I confess that I secretly wish I lived in Stars Hollow, Connecticut. I want to live in the same town as Miss Patty, Babbette, Taylor, Gypsy, Sookie, Jackson, Mrs. Kim, Luke and Kirk. I want to go to all the quirky festivals and celebrations they always have. In reality though I have been to the backlot set they used for Stars Hollow and stood in the gazebo and in front of Luke's.
3. I have an uncanny knack for catching movie mistakes/continuity issues. Like in Oceans 11, in the scene where Julia Roberts comes down the stairs, Brad Pitt is eating a shrimp cocktail in a wine glass and when the camera changes angles it's a on a plate. Angle change again and it's back to the glass. I often annoy my friends and family in the movie theater with these observations during the movie.
4. I miss summer vacation. That break in the summer that was for enjoying being outdoors and hanging with friends. I really miss New Jersey summers. They were so nice. Not too cold where it wasn't fun to do things outside and not so hot that being outside is draining. I miss those perfect NJ summers. Days filled with going to the water park, the boardwalk, the beach, the pool and camps.

SO now comes the time where I have to pick six people to tag and so I guess I tag:
Alison, Annalee, Brooke, Felicia, Lori, and Tiffany! Your it! Have fun!
Posted by Martha at 10:52 AM 3 comments
Labels: Rambling