I must start this rambling with a little background. I have loved reading as far back as I can remember, we spent weekends going to the library, in fact my parents used it as a punishment for bad behavior, if we didn't obey we weren't allowed to go to the library. For some reason starting about this time last year I stopped reading. I'm not sure why I just did, it was like I didn't have a desire to even crack open a book.
So last fall when my friend Leah got us together to start our book club, I thought this would be a great way to reignite my love of reading. Well it did. I'm so glad it did because I have started flying through books. Lately it has gotten crazy out of control, I feel like I am at the library every other day returning and checking out new books. So I thought I would give you a list of what I have been reading lately.
I had finished our book club book for April (I'm not a over achiever, it's just my name came up at the library and I decided I would just read it instead of canceling and trying to get my name to come up on the hold list again.) We hadn't chosen new books yet for book club so I went to the library and started picking out books. I had read the other three books in the Queen of Babble series but I had never finished the series. So I started with:
This series is light, cute, and funny. It's about a girl named Lizzie Nichols who happens to be amazing at restoring vintage wedding gowns and moves from the Midwest to New York City to make her dreams come true. Along the way she struggles with finding jobs, bad boyfriends, true love, and her Spanx!
I decided to continue with Meg Cabot because I really love her writing. So I picked up the books in the Heather Wells mystery series. Starting with:
These books are about Heather Wells she is a former pop star turned resident hall assistant director at New York College. Her roommate, Cooper is a PI and the brother of her ex-fiance and fellow pop star. When people end up murdered in the dorm where she works she has an uncanny knack for ending up involved in the investigations.
Heather is honest, smart, and quirkly funny. The books are were easy and interesting to read. I loved the whole series.
One of my other favorite authors is Sophie Kinsella. I loved her Shopaholic series, Becky's mind sounds uncannily familiar to my own sometimes. So I decided to pick up:
Lara Lington's life is crazily out of control, her boyfriend dumped her through email, her business partner went on vacation indefinitely, and she has to attend the funeral of her great-aunt she can barely remember. Her life becomes even more complicated when she starts seeing and hearing her late great-aunt. But once she starts following her aunt's directions her life starts going in a directions she never would have dreamed.
I thought this was going to be a little out there, I wasn't sure about the whole ghost coming and talking to you but it was a great book and I loved reading this one, I went through it in like two days.
I sometimes really love the comedy of Kathy Griffin. I also like her show My Life on the D-List, even though I am not a faithful watcher I love the episodes when her mother is on. Her mom always cracks me up, one of the things she always says is "Tip it Kathleen!" (she means when it looks like your box of wine is out you tip it so you can get every drop) I saw this and thought it might be funny. It is her mom's thoughts and opinions on her childhood, late husband, her children, and life. Kathy apparently got hold of the manuscript before it went to press and added her own comments and thoughts about her mom's stories.
It was a very quick and funny read. It was interesting because from watching the show I have heard both of them talk and in my mind I could hear Maggie, like she was reading the book aloud to me. Then there would be a comment by Kathy and then I would hear her voice come in, with correct sarcasm and wise-cracking.
Since I was on a reality TV kind of mindset and on Abbe's reads she had said she had read this and it was a pretty interesting book I decided to read Tori Spelling's first book and I then followed it up with her other two books.
This was an interesting look into the childhood and life of Tori Spelling. I found that she was open, honest, and very candid. She talked about how she viewed growing up as Aaron Spelling's daughter, life behind the scenes of 90210, the plastic surgery, and meeting Dean. While she never came off as awww poor me, poor little rich girl, I did find myself thankful that even though my parents never had the money to throw elaborate, over-the-top parties like hers they always made sure to spend time with me and my sisters. Overall I liked the book, obviously since I went on to read the next two.
In this book she explored what it was like to be a mom in Hollywood. She talks about her desire to have the normal block party, hanging with neighborhood families, trick-or-treating neighborhood she dreamed of growing up. And the perceptions those moms have of her as celebrity mother. It was also quite interesting and entertaining. I really like her voice, she writes like she's in the room talking to you.
Her last book was about figuring out where their lives are going now after they have stabilized work, finances, family matters, and dealing with paparazzi. It was a nice way to round things out.
I am still reading, in fact I just started a new book. I am so thankful to the Cover Girls, not only for helping me reignite one of my first loves but also the fun we have when we get together. I went in knowing some of the girls really well, and others only as acquaintances, and some not at all but when we are together we all get to talking and laughing about all kinds of things, not just the books. The weeks we are getting together I almost cannot wait for the week to end so that I can see my fellow Cover Girls! Tonight we are meeting to pick new books and I am so excited to see each girl, I love them all!
Thanks for posting these book ideas! However, I have SO much to read in the Passage... but I need book ideas for my upcoming cruise! :) I read 20s girl last summer and thought it was really cute. Big fan of sophie kensella! LOVE my Cover Girls!
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