I'm sure many of you remember when I went and waited in line for hours for the Pioneer Woman~Ree Drummond to sign my cookbook, if not you can read about it here. Well she wrote another book, this book is called Black Heels to Tractor Wheels.
This book chronicles the story of how she met her husband, The Marlboro Man (so called for his likeness to the ruggedly handsome Marlboro Man in the cigarette ads) and adjusting to life as newlywed and ranch life.
It just so happens I found out she was doing another book tour and this time she would be stopping again at the Borders on Preston Road, on Valentine's Day! Unlike last time I was a little more informed about the process this time and my sweet and very kind father offered to head over to the bookstore when it opened, purchase my copy of the book and thus obtain my golden ticket~
a purple wristband~the first color in the wristbands they were handing out. This guaranteed me a short wait later that evening! Thanks dad you truly are the BEST!
I got to the store managed to finally find a parking space and head inside to this:
Tons of people! I was told that I could either line up now and not see her while she was doing her Q&A session or wait and watch that and then line up . I just got in line. From my spot in line I could kind of see the back of her head.

Oh yea she also brought Marlboro Man and the kids. Here is the back of him.

After they came out she answered audience questions for about 15-20 minutes. She was very funny and kind.
Here is the line.

Waiting in line

Getting closer

Rounding the corner

The last stretch

Only one person left (in front of me)

MY TURN! She said well aren't you cute! Then we chatted about somethings I had made that weekend (wishing I had brought her some because she said she was hungry), seeing her last time, and how much I loved her cookbook. Then my turn was over and I headed off. I still have a broken camera and I only had my iPhone but I think my pics turned our ok. After I was done I ran into Olivia and Rebecca from college days, and Rebecca had a real camera! If only! Oh well the iPhone got it done.

I had heard Marlboro Man (his real name is Ladd but after hearing MM so much it seems wrong) was signing the book too, and that he was quite chatty and nice. So I waited in the line that had formed for him to sign. I must interject that the man in person is quite handsome, dazzling so, and pictures don't quite do him justice. We chatted about how he felt about all this (loves it, gets them to see all kinds of new places), what his fav meal really is (the sandwhich, and he taught her to make it) and if he liked the book (yes, of course he did). Then he signed my books.

Here is my signed book:

After all this excitement (I had spent almost 2 hours in traffic to get there) I was tired and ready to head home. I always love getting to meet her, she is so beautiful, very kind, genuine, funny and down to earth. It was a nice treat to get to meet Marlboro Man too. Happy Valentine's Day to me!
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