At the End of June a movie long anticipated finally arrived in theaters. I was invited to a party and helped throw another party for Eclipse. So here are the pics from those two awesomely fun events!
The first party was thrown by my friends Amy and Leah they were the throwers of the previous party for
New Moon. So on the 30th (the day the movie opened) we all headed over to Amy's house for talking, trivia, and yummy treats.

The table all decked out with the goodies. There were twizzlers, red velvet cupcakes, puppy chow, hot pizza dip, and vegetables, etc.

they put drinks in the kitchen like these sodas

as well as the Vampire Kiss Mojitos

Everyone sat around talking, eating, and being entertained by Reese and Riley

Amy, Leah, and their precious mom Nancy!

Leah, Amy, and I

Chrissie came along too!

You can't tell but the plate has Edwards face on it and Jennifer is wearing a replica of the engagement ring he gave to Bella in the movie!

Me posing with Edward with the ring, you see I won the trivia quiz and my prize... the ring!

Everyone wanted to pose with Edward

After the party we all headed over to the Studio Movie Grill to wait and see the movie. Here we all are waiting in line for the movie to start.

I also helped Chrissie throw a party at her house in Euless. Here is our table of goodies to take into the movie later. We made little bags of puppy chow and cups. We put twizzler sticks and ring pops in them.

The table of food. We had some dips, cupcakes, vegetables and cherry purses.

For drinks we made our own virgin Vampires Kiss (we had quite a bunch of preggers girls at ours)

Jennifer and Stacie

Me and Jenn

Stace and I

Me a Chrissie posing with our table

I thought it would be fun since Bella, Edward, Alice, and Jasper all graduate in the movie to have fake Forks diplomas and a cap and gown for grad pictures, although I didn't have time to make a cap, I did manage to fake the diplomas and gown.

Here we all are with our "diplomas and gowns"

After stuffing ourselves we headed out to the movies to watch Eclipse (and yes for those paying attention that means I watched it twice). I had a great time at both parties and I did love the movie. I still think that both the book and movie for New Moon were my favorite, I guess we will have to see how that plays out after watching both movies for Breaking Dawn!
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