Well here it goes, my attempt to catch up. I am starting with my trip to California. In April I went to see my sister Donna, she lives about an hour north of L.A. So I flew in to hang out with her for a week. Here is some landscape I passed in flight, also know as the Grand Canyon.
As we were heading back to the car we saw a farmer's market type street fair.
They had fruit, vegetables, soaps, lotions, food, and all kinds of things.
This guy was just singing and playing right in the middle of everything.
We stopped and bought crepes. Here is the crepe maker guy.
Here is mine, I got a banana nutella crepe! It was so delicious!
After the fair we headed home, it was now 4 something in the afternoon and we didn't want to get stuck in too much traffic heading home. That night we kind of just hung out and watched some tv and a movie. The next day we decided to chill and we WALKED down the block to the beach. We layed out a little there before the ladybug attack and wind pelting sand became to much to take and we headed to her friend Nikki's to lay out there on their roof deck.

Thursday we decided to head down to their old stomping grounds, San Diego. We were going to start off and spend most of our day at the San Diego Zoo.

Once inside we headed out on the bus tour. We rode up top.
We saw elephants
and drove by the pandas, lions, polar bears, and the bird area. Our ticket into the zoo also included a trip on the sky tram.
Up in the sky.
Me and Donna

Here you can see just exactly what we traveled on.
Since we rode back up to the top of the zoo we went into the polar bear exhibit.
Saw the zebras.

We strolled our way back down the big hill seeing as many animals as we could along the way. We decided that we would head downtown and leave the zoo but we got our hands stamped just in case we wanted to come back in.
We drove downtown and hung out at a mall there and then we decided to head to her favorite mall where we got some make-up touch ups at Nordstroms and ate dinner at Uno's Pizza (Where neither of us ordered pizza, I think she had pasta and I had a chicken and rice dish) before trekking up north to go home.
Friday we had a chill day because we were waiting for Charlie to come back in town from his FX. Once he came home we all hung out and ordered pizza. The next day we decided we were going to get up early and go to Disneyland! So aside from some minor blips and detours we arrived at Disneyland!
Walking in on main street

Our first stop was in Tomorrowland and we went to Innovations and played around in the Dream Home and other stuff. We ate in lunch in Tomorrowland. Then we headed next door and watched Captain EO in 3D. (This was 80's 3D not like the 3D of late). We then walked down to Fantasyland to ride on:

I love this picture of Charlie right before we went inside the tunnel!

They have added some characters I don't remember seeing the last time I rode this ride, like Ariel

We then strolled over to Mickey's Toon Town and we rode Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin.

Sleeping Beauty's Castle (Disney World in Florida is Cinderella's Castle and my favorite)
I tried to get a picture of Donna and Charlie riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad in Frontierland, but I don't think I was fast enough. We also ate dinner in Frontierland at Hungry Bear Restaurant.
We went to the Haunted Mansion

We rode Pirates of the Caribbean, climbed Tarzan's Treehouse, saw the Tiki House show, and took the Jungle Cruise. Here we are picture taking before embarking on our cruise.

our cruise guide
The castle at night
Splash Mountain from the monorail station.

I loved that we rode the teacups at night because the laterns were all lit and it was so pretty.

I love this picture

The last thing we rode was Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters. Then we hung out a little in Downtown Disney before calling it a long night and heading back to the buses that would take us back to our car for our drive back home.

The next morning (not too early) Charlie drove me by In and Out for my burger and fries before driving me back to the Burbank airport. After a long and complicated wait at the airport I did make it home to Dallas late Sunday night.
On my way home.
I had a blast hanging out with Donna and was glad that when I left Charlie had come home and I wasn't leaving my sis all alone. This trip took place in April, since then Charlie has been deployed to Afghanistan and will be there for another 7 months at least. Please pray that he returns home to my sister safe.
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