Years ago when I lived in South Jersey (or for some of you South NEW Jersey), I became very good friends with a couple named Mark and Jane. They had three children who were all just a little older than me, but from the first time I met them I always felt at home when with them or at their house. They took me in and treated me like I was one of their own. I think I can count on one hand the Sundays I didn't spend with them or at their home. Jane is a Kansas farm girl who is an incredible cook and baker (she can bake a loaf of bread from scratch because that is how they do it on the farm). One of my favorite memories is being her "gofer". When cooking she never kicked me out of the kitchen, she just pulled me in and had me stir, mix, unwrap, and fetch. We cooked for all kinds of events from sunday potlucks and church dinners to thanksgiving meals (I spent both Jersey Thanksgivings at their house). I loved cooking with Jane! Here I am with Mark and Jane in their kitchen.
In the summers she would make a delicious fruity treat called California Slush. From the first spoonful I was hooked. Since it has been sooooo hot here in Texas lately I thought it was the perfect time to make some and remember Jane. So here it is and I highly encourage you to try this for yourself!
California Slush
The ingredients: water, sugar, bananas, maraschino cherries, crushed pineapple, orange juice, (pretend you see this) lemon juice, and a couple of gallon ziploc bags.

In a pretty large bowl pour in the orange juice (I let mine thaw in the fridge, it doesn't have to be thawed.

Next add a can of crushed pineapple with the juice

This step you might want to do ahead of time, drain the cherries and cut them in half, and then half the halves, or quarter them. I like to do a jar and a half to two jars of cherries but it is up to you I like a lot of cherries.

Be aware this will stain your fingertips.

Then add the quartered cherries to the orange juice and pineapple

In a sauce pan measure two cups water

and two cups sugar and bring to a boil on the stove

While you are waiting for it to boil, slice and quarter 3-4 bananas. I think I did four and a half because the bananas I got that day were a little small.

Be sure to check your water. See its not boiling yet but it has turned clear again.

Now its boiling!

Add the boiling sugar water to the orange juice, pineapple, cherry mixture.

Add 1/4 cup lemon juice concentrate to the bowl.

Give it a good stir

Add the bananas

and then add 4 cups of water and stir well. If you left your orange juice frozen make sure it has completely dissolved and there are no frozen chunks.

Now ladle equally into two gallon ziploc bags. Be sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl to pick cherries as well as the bananas.

If you need some help you can get a tall container like this one to hold the bag while you ladle

Yummm!!!! I cannot wait till I can dig in! Squeeze out leftover air and seal.

Lay both bags flat in the freezer you can tilt the end up a little to try and evenly distribute the cherries (they tend to sink to the bottom of things). It will take 5 or more hours to freeze. If you are impatient like me you will be waiting and watching the freezer, so when it reaches a slightly slushy stage you will pull it out and dish some out. If you let it freeze completely, set it out about an hour before you want to serve. If it gets too liquidy just put it back in the freezer for a bit.

Doesn't it just look delicious! I love this slush. It is an easy treat to make with and serve to kids!

You can click the picture above to make bigger or here is the recipe below.
California Slush
2 cups water
2 cups sugar
1 12 oz can frozen OJ concentrate
1 Lg. can crushed pineapple (not drained)
3-4 ripe bananas, sliced and the quartered
1/4 cup lemon juice concentrate
1 cup (I like 1 1/2-2 jars) of marachino cherries, quartered
4 cups water
2 ziploc bags
1. Quarter the cherries.
2. In a large bowl combine the OJ, pineapple, cherries, and lemon juice.
3. Boil 2 cups water and 2 cups sugar.
4. Slice and quarter the bananas.
5. Add boiling sugar water to OJ mix.
6. Add 4 cups water and stir to mix well.
7. Ladle evenly into ziploc bags, be sure to scrape the bottom to get cherries too.
8. Lay flat in the freezer.
9. If frozen solid, remove about an hour before serving. Refreeze if it becomes to liquidy.
10. Enjoy!