One of the best things I did this past year was Bible Study Fellowship! It is an International weekly bible study. They have meetings all over the world. Some groups are all men, some are co-ed, or like mine they are all women. This year we studied the life of Moses on Monday nights from 6:55-8:50 (ish). For me it was filled with lessons to learn about God, myself, & me and God together. I was truly blessed with a fantastic and loving group leader named Beverly. She adopted us all and entertained us at her house on several occasions. Our group was also quite amazing and went through many life changes together from marriages, babies, quitting/finding new jobs, moving, and health concerns. They are all amazing women who taught me so much from their faithful attendance and insightful answers. Here are most of us at Beverly's house during one of our fellowship times. Here are all who were in attendance at our last night of BSF (after our shower for Mashawn):
And one of the new and wonderful blessings from BSF, my friend Loryn. She is married and living with her new hubby in San Angelo! Miss her!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Rambling # 7 BSF Blessings!
Posted by Martha at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Non-Adventure #11 Great Times with Great Friends!
Here is a little update about what I have been upto lately. A couple of Sundays ago my friend Cherlynn aka Woody had a birthday dinner at the Greenhouse. I have known her a long time because she is the sister of my best friend in the whole world, Stacie. The birthday girl sat at the other end of the table and I was not pro-active enough in my picture taking to get a picture of us but since I was sitting next to Stacie I did pop out my iPhone and get one of her and I together. Last Saturday was the annual Dog Days of Denton down at Quakertown Park (aka the Civic Center Park). My bestie Robin came down with her rescue dog Mattie and I took Sookie and we headed over to see what was going on. I took Sookie last year and she had a great time and I even had her picture taken (with a lot of work we finally got her still). This year however I decided to skip all that trouble and just hang out. Here is Mattie in the car on the way there.
Robin and I before we headed in:
Here is the official start to the Dog Days area. Unfortunately like so many things because of the economy there were not as many people there hawking their wares, special foods, and other things.
Here's my Sookie (she needed a haircut BAD!)
Awww new friends sharing a drink of water
Robin and I as we headed out a little hot, a little tired, and a lot hungry.
The dogs were great friends after their shared adventure!
And of course that time of year is now here when seniors finish things up and graduate from high school to head out to that wonderful world of college! It is Baylee's turn to graduate from high school and last weekend was the baccalaureate service at church. The seniors pick the songs and scriptures and then after the message there is a video of pictures with recorded messages from their parents. After church there is a luncheon to honor them and all the graduates get a table where they can set up pictures, accomplishments, and people drop off gifts for the graduates. Here is Baylee and I in the gym after service.
Baylee and Claire
Baylees table
Last summer they showed movies on the screens in the plaza area in front of the AAC (American Airlines Center). Well they kicked them off again on Wednesday night with Twilight. So my friend Stacie and I headed out picked dinner up on the way and claimed an area for our friends. Here is our little group. It consisted of Stacie, Robin, Rob (her husband), and Rob's friend Jake. R&R also brought their little dog named Mattie.
Here are some pictures of what it looks like. There are three screens (one to our left and behind us). Everyone just picks a screen and they pump in sound. Just bring a chair, blanket, pillow or whatever you want to sit on. Bring some dinner or something to munch on and settle down and watch the free flick!
SO, thats what I have so far. Just hanging out, hanging with friends, and lovin' on my dog Sook!
Posted by Martha at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Non-Adventure # 10 Weddings Near and Far!
After my friend Chrissie got married I still had two more to go. The next one or the near one was for my cousin Matt. He was marrying a fantastic girl named Jessica. My sister Donna has been hanging with us since my brother-in-law has been deployed in Guam and my other sister Melissa flew in from Louisville to visit and attend the wedding. There was a big rehearsal dinner at my Uncle Charlie's house catered by Abuelos. It was good food and a chance to meet all of Jessica's family. The wedding was on a Saturday evening on April 25, 2009. We drove out to the Country Club (where everything was going down) and sat outside and watched Matt and Jessica say their vows to each other. Then we headed inside for appetizers, dinner, and dancing. Here are the happy new couple Matt and Jessica: Here are me and my sisters Donna (Davenport) and Melissa (Marciszko):
Here we all are with our mom!
Here are my wonderfully fantastic parents, they won the dance for the longest married! They will have been married for 36 years on July 27th! (They really only won because my Uncle JF and Aunt Kay weren't there)
Here is a couple of pictures of the whole family!
So the last or the far wedding was for my new friend who I met in Bible Study Fellowship. Her name is Loryn and we became fast friends during our Monday night meetings. She became engaged and married Alex in Abilene and they now reside in San Angelo. But she went from being a Brown (no actual relation that we know of) to being a Best on May 16, 2009! Here are a couple of pictures I took during the ceremony at First Baptist Church in Abilene. (the first couple are with my iPhone):
The kiss!!!!
The happy new married couple Alex and Loryn Best!!!! She was so beautiful that day!
Loryn and I
I was so blessed that I knew people in Abilene. I was able to stay at my friend Annalee's parents house. The Luttrell's are the most amazing people I have ever met. I have known them since I was a freshman at ACU and some of my most treasured memories from college either involve them or their house. From Christmas parties and graduation tea parties to dress fittings it was always such a joyus and God-filled place to visit. Everyone is immediately treated like a part of the family and they were so wonderful to provide me with accommadations for my brief visit in town. I know that Sherri reads this sometimes and so I want to say to her Thank you so much! Love you all!
Posted by Martha at 12:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: Family, Friends, Non-Adventure, Weddings