Have you ever seen a recipe in a book or a magazine and it made your mouth water and you began to crave it so bad you knew it wouldn't be long before you made it? Well that was me this week. I am not usually a HUGE fan of cakes but there are some I just absolutely love (like Chris's Chocolate Cake and this one!). I was flipping through this month's Family Circle (well technically I think it is March's)
and I came across a Pineapple Upside-Down Cake recipe that set my mouth to watering! The other night I gave in to my craving and made this really simple but super delicious recipe for Pineapple Upside-Down Cake!
Ladies and Gents your ingredients for:
Baking powder, milk, eggs, butter, flour, vanilla, pineapple slices, maraschino cherries, DARK brown sugar, nutmeg, salt, and sugar.
I started by cracking open the pineapple slices and draining the juice into a bowl, you will need this later. So for now, just set it to the side. Preheat the oven to 350. Now it is time to build up the yummy top part of the Pineapple Upside-Down Cake! The best part if you ask me.
I started with a 13 x 9 pan and melted half a stick of unsalted butter in it. I set the pan on the stove and turned a burner on low. When it was all melted I made sure the bottom of the pan was completely covered.
Then I added a 1/2 cup DARK brown sugar Mix it with a fork until it is all combined and completely coats the bottom of the pan, like so
Next layer the pineapple slices on the brown sugar so that you make a good layer. It will take at least 10 but could use 12 slices to make a complete layer.
Rather than open another can for 2 more pineapple slices I just spaced them better so that they make a good layer.
Put a cherry into the middle of each pineapple slice.
Umm it looks yummy already!
Now for the Cake part! First measure out your dry ingredients. In a bowl measure out 2 cups of flour,
2 teaspoons baking powder,
1/2 teaspoon salt,
and 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg. Most people I know (including me) don't have a 1/8 tsp measure so I just did about half of the 1/4 tsp.
Give those a good stir with whisk or a fork to mix well, and set aside. In a mixing bowl add a cup of sugar
add a stick of softened, unsalted butter now beat together for 2 minutes. When your two minutes are up add two eggs. Beat until well blended.
After your eggs are good and blended add HALF the flour mixture on a low speed.
Keep the mixer going while adding 1/2 cup of the pineapple juice (the stuff you drained from the slices earlier and set aside)
1/2 cup milk and beat until blended.
Beat in the rest of the flour mixture,
and then add a teaspoon of vanilla.
When all is mixed, blended, and combined pour the batter over the topping into the 13 x 9 pan.
Smooth it out and make sure everything is covered, no cherries peeking out.
Now bake in the oven for 40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack for a full 10 minutes. If you rush to pop out the cake too soon the pineapples and cherries may stick to the pan.
Ding! Ten minutes are up! Take a baking sheet and place it on the cake (and ignore the camera cord! I had to plug in my camera to even be able to turn the camera on.)
and Voila! It looks so yummy and golden! Be aware it will be hard to wait those full ten minutes so make sure you set a timer or leave the room so it will look just like this!
Now cut yourself a slice and enjoy!
Look at the carmelized brown sugar, the soft sugary sweet pineapple, and a cherry to top it off! Perfection!
Here is what the page looks like in the magazine! Delicious!
Don't forget to read the post below and make your best guesses in the trivia questions! I got a great surprise for the winner!