February's Cover Girls book club was Leah J.'s book called The Pursuit of Alice Thrift.
Alice is a resident who one day aspires to be a plastic surgeon who works on wealthy clients so she can afford to fix people in third world countries. She is smart but a little inept when it comes to social customs and interactions. This story follows her realization about who she is and whether she should stick with the profession she has devoted years and time to.
It was an interesting book. I thought it was slow and it took me awhile to get into it but after I finished the book I realized I had liked the book and somewhere along the way I went from being disinterested in Alice to rooting for her.
We all met at her house one February night and like in the book we had sub sandwiches. We all sat down to talk about what we thought about Alice, the book and the author. After we had been chatting awhile Leah announced she had made fudge just like Ray's (a character in the book). Her fudge was delicious. She made two kinds: chocolate and peanut butter. We had a great time.
I apologize again I was unable to take pics because of the lack of camera.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Rambling #33 Cover Girls-The Pursuit of Alice Thrift
Posted by Martha at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cover Girls, Friends, Rambling
Rambling # 32 Cover Girls- Catching Fire & Mockingjay
January was originally supposed to be to talk about Leah W.'s book but instead we met to finish up the Hunger Games Trilogy with Catching Fire (2) and Mockingjay (3). Amy sent out an email inviting us to meet at her house to eat and chat about the Hunger Games Trilogy and whether we are Team Peeta or Team Gale.
So Friday evening we all headed to Amy's (she has fantastic parties, she and her sister host our Twilight parties). She had a magnetic board up where we could cast our vote for Peeta or Gale. Then we helped ourselves to all the fixings for Tacos or Taco Salad. We sat around talking about the books, who we thought would be great in the movie, and any other random topics that came up. After we had all finished with dinner Amy announced that dessert (a cherry chocolate brownie trifle) was ready and we had a choice of hot chocolate or coffee to go with. We all got comfy on the couches while Jennifer asked us questions about the book.
We all stayed too late and too long but it was such a blast hanging out and chatting about these books with these girls! When we left Amy had made us all arena survival kits. Each kit came with a bottle of water, crackers, some jerky, worms (candy), red berries (candy), night glasses, and a token from Peeta-a pearl.
It was such a blast! I apologize for the lack of pictures but over Christmas break my camera broke! Hopefully I'll pick a out a new camera soon! Our next book is Leah J.'s pick!
Posted by Martha at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cover Girls, Friends, Rambling
Rambling # 31 White Christmas in Kentucky
I feel it is totally fitting that after I post about my Mr. Schuester Valentine Card I follow it up with another holiday~Christmas! My family had a long and lengthy discussion about where and who was hosting Christmas this year. We finally came to the decision that Christmas would be in Kentucky at my sister Melissa's house. My mom, Sookie (my dog), and I went up there first. Followed a couple of days later by my dad, sister (Donna), Blink (parents dog), and June (Donna's dog). My sister had totally decked out her house, including her fridge. When you opened the fridge to get something out you would find this: The cute little snowman had several songs he would sing when you opened the door. You could turn it off but it was kind of fun. Here's the living room with their beautiful Christmas tree.
Every time we go to her house we go to a Christmas Eve service at this little church up the road. Right before we started to head out to the church it started snowing (yes we had a white Christmas, like in Christmas Story) so Donna and I went outside and took some pictures in the falling snow.

Posted by Martha at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
My Valentine's Day card from my best friend Stacie! I just love Mr. Schue! Inside it says:
I think I would still be in high school. Failing classes on purpose. Yup. Here's to an oh-so-HOT Valentine's Day.
What a great card!
Posted by Martha at 1:21 PM 0 comments