Posted by Martha at 10:40 PM 2 comments
Labels: Friends, Non-Adventure, Rambling, Recipes
OK so forgive me because some of the posts may seem out of order but I am waiting on some pictures from some friends for some of my other non-adventures. Because I, in all my excitement, stupidly forgot my camera and they were kind and gracious enough to take pics for me. I REALLY REALLY wanted to tell you all about my Tuesday night. It was a night that I have been waiting for months to get here. So all day Tuesday I could not wait to be done with work, as soon as the clock hit 5 I was out of there and on the road. It was raining and as usual in Texas when it rains people truly become idiots on the road. So finally, after almost two hours of traffic, I arrived at my destination. The Pioneer Woman's cookbook signing! I could barely wait for this book to come out and when it did I ran and bought mine the day it came out! I and several of my family members have made many of her recipes. I love that she gives you step by step pictures. So when my creations start to look funny to me I can check back to her pictures and make sure I am still on track! Here is her book below, it is a wonderfully beautiful book and I highly recommend going to get yours today!The book signing was at the Borders on Preston road. I want to say to ALL the staff that worked there, thank you! You were all super kind and wonderfully patient with us crazy fans!
Here is just some of the crowd, waiting for her to come out.
And here she is! She had her two daughters with her and her brother (the wrestler). Thats him in the tie.
She talked to us for a couple of minutes. Isn't she absolutely gorgeous!
Her two girls
They were passing out the t-shirts she brought to gives us. Aren't they the cutest!
Here she is starting to sign!
I don't know about her but I NEVER thought there would be THAT many people there. They had us line up by colored wristband, I think they had 6 or 7 colors, with a hundred bracelets in each color. I didn't even get in line for like 3 and a half hours. I debated for a bit about just leaving and going home but then I decided to get in line. Once in line I was committed, I was in it for the long haul! This picture below was not even half way through the store. The far red wall behind the purple was the end of the store we had to make it all the way there, snaking through the store, and then make 3 lefts before we ended up at the table where she sat!
Finally there she is! Just two more lefts (the red wall is directly behind me)!
Just one more left! These four wonderful woman were my crew I waited in line with. I wish I had been more proactive in remembering there names but it was really late and we waited in line for many hours. The two girls on the left are sisters. The girl in the middle had a wonderful husband who patiently waited all night for her to get her book signed (and it was his birthday!). And the nice lady on the right was from my neck of the woods. We laughed a lot, talked a lot, and held each others places in line when we needed to take bathroom breaks, food breaks, or moving your car breaks.
I made it!!!!!!! I must say that I spent all that time in line and never thought about what I should say or ask her when I got up there. If I had thought about it I would have been better prepared. Especially considering that this moment where she is signing my books and taking this picture was about 2 minutes before 1. That's right 1 AM!!!!!!! (the signing started at 7!)
We closed the store down! They completely sold out of her cookbook (they had 700 copies)! She is so wonderful. She writes her blog in way where she feels like your best friend. So naturally 600-700 of her best friends showed up to say hi! She took time to talk and take pictures with everyone. I was soooooooo tired that I felt like I was rambling when I talked to her. I think I mentioned making some of her recipes (but seriously like everyone there probably had!), and told her something like I love her or the book or both. I knew that people were waiting and so I only chatted as long as she was signing my books. I must say here that she was the kindest woman and extremely personal. She was wonderful she stayed and signed until the line ended! She personalized every book and was a true delight to meet! Here is my book!
Posted by Martha at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Non-Adventure, Recipes