So part of what has made my spring busy is a flurry of new babies and with them requests to make diaper cakes. I am posting all of the ones that I have made recently to show you the new concepts and color schemes I came up with.
My friend Loryn asked me to make one for a fellow employee who was pregnant with twin girls to be named Avery and Emory. The colors (she thought) were purple, pink, and brown. So here is what I came up with. The cake is two sided and has both girls names on it. Here is side one (Avery's side): And here is side two (Emory's side):
Here is what a side view of the cake looks like:
The next cake that I made was for a fellow employee named Candice. Her best friend was pregnant with a little girl and while she had settled on color choices she had not settled on a name, so this cake ended up without one. Here is her pink and green cake:
Here is the back of her cake:
My friend Kimberly was surprised at a routine doctor visit when she was informed that she was pregnant again! After having two girls and thinking she and her husband were done she was surprised to be pregnant and to be having a boy! So I made her a diaper cake around her nursery colors which were baby blue and bandana red. The cake visited two showers given for her. This is the cake for William Collin Winder:

This is the side of the cake:

And this is William Collin Winder. He was born with and has maintained massive amounts of hair!
This past year I participated in Bible Study Fellowship and I was truly blessed with a wonderful leader and a great group of girls! Two girls in our group became pregnant and here are the cakes that I made for them. The first one is for Katie. Our group went in on this cake together everyone bringing something for me to build our cake out of. She had a baby boy whom they have named Kevin. (Sorry I cannot seem to find the picture I took of the cake it seems to have gone missing! I will add it if I find it!)
The last cake on this post is one I did for Mashawn. She informed us that she had found out she was pregnant with a little girl. A little girl whom she was going to name Addison (she's due on July 26th! Two days before my birthday!). So on our last night of BSF we had our fellowship and then threw her a small shower! Everyone but one came and everyone brought her something (present or not!) and we even had cake made by Christy. For my gift I made her a small bath themed cake. Instead of a blanket in the center I placed a hooded towel. I also included the baby wash, baby lotion, baby powder, and for a little decoration some pacifiers. Here is what Mashawns cake for Addison looks like: